Facebook will be using Artificial Intelligence for respecting the dead


Facebook has announced that it is working on the use of artificial intelligence for the prevention of a very common and disturbing problem that is receiving notifications regarding the deceased loved ones.

On the profiles of deceased people, tributes to them will appear separately now, keeping their timeline just as they left it.

“We hope Facebook remains a place where the memory and spirit of our loved ones can be celebrated and live on,” said the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg.

Facebook users often complain about being upset and shocked when the network nudges them for interaction with their deceased loved ones.

Since 2009, Facebook allows its users to “memorialize” their profiles which is a status that adds “Remembering” in front of the person’s name and also allows their friends to post memories and messages.

Once an account of a person has been memorialized, it will no longer appear in the notifications of others. But, for the profiles of users that have passed away and don’t have their accounts memorialized, Facebook has announced that it would use artificial intelligence to stop them from appearing in random places as well.

Furthermore, Facebook announced how the dead people were represented on their network. The memorialized accounts will be having a separate “tributes” tab now for people where they can leave memories and condolences. This move by the network will leave the timeline of the deceased person intact.

The content that is posted as tributes will be moderated by the deceased person’s “legacy” contacts. These are basically other Facebook users that they have designated beforehand for taking over their account after their death.

“Legacy contacts can now moderate the posts shared to the new tributes section by changing tagging settings, removing tags and editing who can post and see posts,” explained Ms. Sandberg.

“This helps them manage content that might be hard for friends and family to see if they’re not ready.”

* This article was originally published here


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